Our Mission
The Dalhousie Community Association serves the diverse interests of our neighborhood, through building relationships, advocacy and offering programs and services.
Our Vision
Ensuring Dalhousie is a vibrant, safe, and fun community where everyone can feel like they belong.
Principles and Values
- Respect Dalhousie as a diverse community where families work and play together.
- Appreciate the efforts of volunteers in building a sense of community.
- Build relationships with community residents through effective communication.
- Manage the Dalhousie Community Association in a fiscally responsible manner.
- Provide information on community issues and a means for people to respond.
- Establish strong working relationships with all levels of government.
- Adhere to the terms of
- the Lease/LOC with The City,
- The Societies Act,
- Charitable Status,
- Related land use legislation,
- Organization bylaws, and
- Grant funding rules and regulations