The Dalhousie Stampede Party is a FREE event on July 11 from 5-8:30pm with live music with the Rockin Kings, a traditional Powwow with 4 Winds Indigenous Showcase and Farmers Market shopping. Join us for a fun evening with friends, neighbours, and family.
There is also a great BBQ Dinner (burgers, salads, refreshments):
- Adults – $10 + GST
- Children (4-9) – $5 + GST
- Children (under 4) – free
This event has always been a huge success due to our volunteers. Please sign up to volunteer for the Stampede Party.
4 Winds Indigenous Showcase – Feel the beat of the drums deep in your chest while you watch these talented indigenous dancers. @fourwindsyyc
Rockin Kings – Singing and guitar by Steve Nelson. Rockin Steve plays variety of classic and new rock and pop music. @rockinstevenelson