Northmount Drive Improvement Project
Update – July
This month, Northmount Drive N.W. will be re-paved between Cambrian Drive N.W. and Carol Drive N.W. At the same time, several safety and operational improvements will be implemented at the intersection of Northmount Drive N.W. and 14 Street N.W.
Phase 1 also includes the addition of 10 low-cost curb extensions along the corridor to improve pedestrian safety.
We will make every effort to minimize disruptions during construction. Thank you for your patience.
Phase 2 will be constructed when funding becomes available. Final planes are available at
Project Information
Since 2015, The City has been working with stakeholders and the Triwood and Brentwood communities to develop an improvement plan for Northmount Drive N.W., which would safely accommodate all travel modes. Public input was used to develop options, and in October 2016 citizens were asked to provide feedback on proposed parking changes, school bus pick-up and drop-off zone improvements, pedestrian improvements and the overall concept, including bicycle facilities. The What We Heard Report is now available on the project web page.
Through engagement with the community and stakeholders The City updated the design to better reflect the concerns that were heard about the corridor. With increased scope and costs for the updated design, The City will phase construction on Northmount Drive N.W., starting this year with Phase 1 at the 14 Street N.W. intersection.
Phase 1, from Cambrian Drive N.W. to Carol Drive N.W., will consist of safety and operational improvements at the intersection. This will include adding a transit queue jump, a lengthened left-turn lane from westbound Northmount Drive N.W. to southbound 14 Street N.W. and a bicycle connection through the busy intersection. The intersection will also be re-paved to improve the surface quality of the roadway.
Construction is being coordinated with other City departments (Calgary Transit and Roads) to save costs and minimize impact to the community. The remainder of the corridor will be constructed as funding becomes available.
Detailed design is currently being completed. The City will post the final plans when they are available and communicate with stakeholders before and during construction.
Thank you for your input and participation in this project. The final plans have been significantly improved as a result of the community’s assistance with the design.